A few words from former students:

“I just wish I could get a refresh on all my coursework now that I am in the thick of parenting” -Hayley N

A few words from former students:

“I loved your course, and it has helped me more than I could imagine.” -Nicole L.

A few words from former students:

“I loved your class and how applicable it was.” -Leah N.

A few words from former students:

“I feel like I have been able to use that knowledge as a mom by better knowing how to communicate [in critical] situations to my kids. “ -Lyska S.

For me, motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever loved! It is a process of discovery to be responsible for another human being! No parent is an expert in parenting because every child has unique strengths as well as specific needs. Those strengths and needs evolve over time AND it is our treasure to DISCOVER them!  

I know firsthand that being a working mom, a business minded mom, a single mom and a mom of multiple children can be chaotic and exhilarating at the same time!

Working as a Certified Child Life SpecialistI and University Professor in child development, I have found that most of the nurturing and work to meet the needs of children tends to fall to mothers–even when there is another supportive and involved parent. That circumstance can feel lonely at times and stretch even the most loving and patient parents. Join me as we uncover some of the golden nuggets about children, mothering, and how to love the LITTLE things that take up the MOST room in our hears!  

"Life has a way of teaching us lessons we didn’t know we needed to learn!”