Services we offer

You’re in the right place!

Are you wanting to jump into parenting on a higher level and rejuvenate yourself with other like minded and high performing mamas? 

Kickstart course – $498 

(lifetime access to 8 modules) 

In this powerful 8 week course you will learn how to keep things fresh and interesting and direct kids’ momentum on many different levels. Most children learn through play! When you add a little fun to any job or routine it helps children pay attention and naturally motivates them to take action. The course is designed to fit a busy lifestyle!

($5000.00 value) *Financing Available*


 ($13,300.00+ value) *Financing Available*

“Let’s Turn This Car Around!”–

most popular package!!!

“You’ll thank me later” Welcome Kit ($300 value)
You will receive a package full of surprises that will help you create more memorable and enjoyable moments in your home. CAUTION: These items may kick start your journey to a more intentional, organized and fun-tastic life with kids! DO NOT OPEN if you or your children are allergic to jokes and giggles!  

“Pop Off, Mama!” Mini Coaching & Onboarding Session ($600 value)
Acknowledging your incredible possibilities as a parent, this mini personal springboard session will inspire your confidence as you are invited to “Pop off!” like a queen! 

Mastering Play Course ($8000 value)
In this powerful 8 week course you will learn how to keep things fresh and interesting and direct kids’ momentum on many different levels. Most children learn through play! When you add a little fun to any job or routine it helps children pay attention and naturally motivates them to take action. The course is designed to fit a busy lifestyle!

“Ask A Child Life Specialist” Voxer Communication – 12 weeks ($3600 value)
Access to Deb, MS, CCLS (expect a reply within 24 hours M-F)
It’s your turn to ask questions until you are satisfied with an answer! Ask about parenting issues and get ideas for resources and specific situations with your child.

“Is This Why We Can’t We Have Nice Things?” Group Coaching Sessions (4) ($3800 value)
Go ahead and CANCEL your subscription to the Mom Guilt Club and come play with us! Contribute your thoughts, discuss any and all “unmentionables” related to being a mom, and gain insights from other women in the Mom Vibe Tribe. Renew yourself during this  group coaching as we appreciate, cherish, and share together!

What do I get?

Course and Group Coaching Package

The Unstoppable+ Package

Pricing discussed in a Personal Discovery Call (complimentary) *Financing Available* 

book a Discovery call 

What do I get?

The entire “Let’s Turn This Car Around” package AND customized private coaching plan with Deb!